Born in Fire (Reissue) is a captivating historical romance novel by Nora Roberts, re-released to bring this beloved classic to a new generation of readers. The story follows the passionate and fiercely independent Maggie Concannon, a talented glassblower living in Ireland. Maggie’s fiery spirit and commitment to her craft make her a standout in a family of traditional artisans, but her life is complicated by personal struggles and emotional baggage.
The novel weaves together themes of art, family, and love, exploring Maggie’s complex relationships with those closest to her. Her world is turned upside down when a wealthy American, Rogan Sweeney, arrives in Ireland to collaborate with her on a project that could elevate her craft to an international stage. The two clash initially, but their undeniable attraction builds into a deep and transformative romance.
Through its rich setting and deeply drawn characters, Born in Fire explores the tension between passion and independence, the intricacies of family loyalty, and the transformative power of love. The reissue of this novel allows a fresh audience to experience Nora Roberts’ storytelling mastery, which blends romance with strong, complex characters who face challenges head-on. Fans of historical romance and compelling, character-driven stories will find Born in Fire an irresistible read.
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